
Perkin Dyechem have been fully involved in charitable activities under the banner of Kaibalya Foundation since the year of 2007, when it was established.

All the charitable activities of this foundation is entirely and solely funded by Perkin Dyechem.


Charitable activities of Kaibalya Foundation:

1)    Education for under privileged girls.


We say that for a girl child, when born instead of discarding this innocent life, we believe that if we let her live


But it all starts with a classroom.

A space that says

She is the exception.

She is more than a young labourer

Or bride-to-be.

She is the future leader.

A change-maker,

A flourished dream.









Literacy creates the foundation of the new generation, and thus we are actively engaged in their education by way of private tutorial classes at Nabadwip, in the district of Nadia, (west Bengal) under the sacred roof of our Kaibalya Mandir at Prachin Mayapur, Nabadwip, Nadia.


We aim to help these girls from very underprivileged class by ensuring that they acquire a sound basic foundational education so that they are able to support and look after themselves, develop self confidence and can eventually look ahead to live an independent good life. In this effort we also try to pick out the very talented ones, so that we can continue to help them with higher education.







Teacher providing one to one coaching and help with mathematics and English lessons to the limited number of students we can accommodateStudents%20and%20lady%20teacher.JPG




A row of happy and proud students with their teacher for other remaining subjects.




Distribution of books and stationery to students.

























3) Under the banner of kaibalya Foundation, Perkin Dyechem also provide medical treatment and free homeopathic medicine to the local people of Nabadwip from our doctor’s chamber at Kaibalya Mandir at Prachin Mayapur, Nabadwip, Nadia.

























Future plans of this wing:

To provide free medical treatment by fully qualified doctors from Kolkata to the under privileged.


2)    In addition to the above activities, from time to time, we have also been actively involved in organising blood donation and eye check up camps under the supervision of professional retired doctors and in collaboration with other charitable organisations.






Blood Donation camp at the temple premise.





Bulk Food Distribution



We intend to focus more on the above activities in the near future.


Perkin Dyechem’s involvement in eco-friendliness and environment:

a)    We have always encouraged recycling of our packaging of our raw materials:

The raw material we received from the manufacturers were supplied in plastic woven bags. We re -used these empty bags to make carrier bags to deliver dyes to our customers instead of disposal plastic /polythene packs and encouraged them to reuse these carrier bags for future shopping of dyes from us.


(Insert the slide show named: ”Eco friendly bags 2014 Poila Baishak “sent separately)

b)   We regularly teach and show our customers how to minimise wastage of unused dyes and chemicals from processing drums in tanneries by the use of tailor made specialised auxiliaries to improve exhaustion and thus reduce wastage into effluent.

c)     Continuously educate and arouse consciousness amongst our consumer customers to handle chemicals safely to avoid and minimise health risks.

d)   We strictly eliminate all banned amines and carcinogenic ingredients from all our products.




The ultimate aim of Perkin Dyechem is to sustain and persevere in philanthropy and this it carries out in the following ways:

1)    Provides employment to a the few working for the company

2)    By training completely unqualified unemployed people, who who would otherwise not be employed and face hardships to make ends meet.


3)    Selecting and hunting out staffs and labours who are fully unqualified and without any basic educational backgrounds and train them up.




4)    After training they have the option either to continue with the company, and have the option to seek employment elsewhere, if they so wish with the option of providing them with satisfactory character certificates upon leaving the company. Also have the option to continue with the company with higher renumeration as per their present experience and expertise.

5)    Full involvement with all charitable activities of Kaibalya Foundation. (mention all the wings here we are involved in KF)

6)    Eco Consciousness in all respect. ( a few lines more here)





Future plans of this wing:

Computer class

Self defence classes for the girls

Training for specific skill as per individual capacity of students.